La Mésogreffe, une technologie brevetée simple, rapide et efficace
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Les littératures scientifiques montrent que :
- Après la désagrégation, la viabilité dans la micro-greffe s’élève à 75-80%
- La fraction stromale vasculaire contient un pourcentage élevé de cellules endothéliales et de péricytes qui, à leur tour, jouent un rôle clé dans la régénération tissulaire, favorisant la revascularisation post-traumatique.
- La Mésogreffe améliore la guérison des lésions osseuses comme suggéré par l’utilisation de micro-greffes obtenues avec du périoste en association avec de l’éponge de collagène.
- Elle est efficace dans le processus de guérison des plaies améliorant la réépithélialisation de la plaie et réduisant sa taille ainsi que dans la prise en charge des ulcères, favorisant le développement du tissu de granulation.
- La Mésogreffe permet d’augmenter la densité des cheveux d’environ 29% à 23 semaines.

R. G. Ruiz, J. M.C. Rosell, G. Ceccarelli, C. De Sio, G. C. De Angelis, H. Pinto, C. Astarita, A. Graziano –Progenitor-cell-enriched micrografts as a novel option for the management of androgenetic alopecia– Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019, DOI : 10.1002/jcp.29335 .

G. MENCHINI, C. ASTARITA, Effects of autologous micrografts on stable bilateral vitiligo : a focus on hand lesions – Journal of Dermatology, 2020, DOI : 10.1111/1346-8138.15564
M. Balli, F. Vitali, A. Janiszewski, E. Caluwé, A. Cortès-Calabuig, S. Carpentier, R. Duelen, F. Ronzoni, L. Marcelis, F. M. Bosisio, R. Bellazzi, A. Luttun, M. G. Cusella de Angelis, G. Ceccarelli, F. Lluis, M. Sampaolesi – Autologous micrograft accelerates endogenous wound healing response trhough ERK-induced cell migration – Cell Death & Differentiation Journal, 2019 –
Svolacchia F, De Francesco F, Trovato L, Graziano A, Ferraro GA. An innovative regenerative treatment of scars with dermal micrografts. J Cosmet Dermatol 2016. DOI: 10.1111/jocd.12212
A. Andreone, D. den Hollander – A retrospective Study on the Use of Dermis Micrografts in Platelet-Rich-Fibrin for the Resurfacing of Massive and Chronic Full-Thickness Burns – Stem Cells International, 2019
Pinto H., Galvez R., Casanova J. Dermoscopy is the crucial step for proper outcome prospection when treating androgenetic alopecia with the Regenera Protocol : a score proposal. International Journal of Clinical and Development Anatomy; 2018; doi: 10.11648/j.ijcda.20180401.12
Metanomski M. Nouvelle technique thérapeutique pour l’alopécie : la mésogreffe. Février 2018
D’Aquino R., De Rosa A., Lanza V., Tirino V., Laino L., Graziano A., Desiderio, Gregorio V., Laino and Gianpaolo Papaccio. Human mandible bone defect repair by the grafting of dental pulp stem/progenitor cells and collagen sponge biocomplexes. European Cells and Materials 2009; 18:73-85
Aimetti M, Ferrarotti F, Mariani GM, Cricenti L, Romano F., Use of Dental Pulp Stem Cells/Collagen Sponge Biocomplex in the Treatment of Non-contained Intrabony Defects: A Case Series. Clinical Advances in Periodontics, 2013; doi 10.902/cap.2013.130047
Rodriguez R, D’Aquino R, Trovato L, Graziano A, Human Tissue Regeneration in Maxillo-facial Area: From Stem Cells to Micrografts. Current Tissue Engineering, 4, 36-40 (2211-5439/15) (2015)
Graziano A, Carinci F, Scolaro S, D’Aquino R., Periodontal tissue generation using autologous dental ligament micro-grafts: case report with 6 months follow-up. AOMS. 1(2), 20, (2013).
Aimetti M, Ferrarotti F, Cricenti L, Mariani GM, Romano F., Autologous dental pulp stem cells in periodontal regeneration: a case report. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent. 34 (3), s27-33, doi: 10.11607/prd.1635, (2014)
Brunelli G, Motroni A, Graziano A, D’Aquino R et al., Sinus lift tissue engineering using autologous pulp micro-grafts: A case report of bone density evaluation. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 17 (5), 644-7, doi: 10.4103/0972-124X.119284,
Purpura V, Bondioli E, Graziano A, Trovato L, Melandri D, Ghetti M, Marchesini A, Cusella de Angelis MG, Benedetti L, Ceccarelli G, Riccio M., Tissue characterization after a new disaggregation method for skin micro-grafts generation. J Vis Exp 2016;109:e53579. doi:10.3791/53579.
Trovato L, Failla G, Serantoni S, Palumbo FP (2016), Regenerative Surgery in the Management of the Leg Ulcers. J Cell Sci Ther 7: 238. doi:10.4172/21577013.1000238
D’Aquino R, Trovato L, Graziano A, Ceccarelli G, de Angelis GC, et al.(2016), Periosteum-derived micro-grafts for tissue regeneration of human maxillary bone. J TranslSci2: doi: 10.15761/JTS.1000128
Monti, M., Graziano, A., Rizzo, S., Perotti, C., Del Fante, C., d’Aquino, R., Redi, C. A. and Rodriguez y Baena, R. (2016), In Vitro and In Vivo Differentiation of Progenitor Stem Cells Obtained After Mechanical Digestion of Human Dental
Pulp. J. Cell. Physiol.. doi:10.1002/jcp.25452
Gentile P, Scioli MG, Bielli A, Orlandi A, Cervelli V (2016), A combined use of Chondrocytes Micro Grafts (CMG) Mixed with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) in Patients Affected by Pinch Nose Deformity. J Regen Med 5:2.
Zanzottera F, Lavezzari E, Trovato L, Icardi A, Graziano A. Adipose Derived Stem Cells and Growth Factors Applied on Hair Transplantation. Follow-Up of Clinical Outcome. JCDSA. 4(4), 268-74, 2014.44036, (2014)
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